Within the Telcar group, PWVT, maker of energy management systems, is a small player and as such as little influence over broad group strategic direction战略方向 and resource this, the company can point to a history of operational excellence on which it has built up a 30%market share under the nose of在谁的眼皮子底下 competitor has been hard won.
Before 1990, the main plant which accounts for占...比例 three-quarters of company turnover, made its products in traditional mass-production push-mode - building batches for stock to complex schedule sand forecasts. Lead times交货期间 were long, even if the warehouse was always bulging with stock堆满库存, and customer satisfaction was low.
A substantial loss in 1995 finally resulted in PWT making fundamental changes in order to survive. Taking a collective deep breath, it moved to stockless production无库存生产 using JIT(just-in-time)刚好 principles and production cells in place of取代 the previous assembly sooner had it done so than it began to see dramatic results, .
lead times交货周期 slashed fromsix weeks to three forecasting and control became massively simplified.
What really enabled PWT to compete on equal terms 在同等条件anywhere in the world were its unbeatable lead times and consistent quality.
So efficient had the company's practices become that in 2004 it moved production to a new site with no downtime, meaning that not even连。。。也不。。 a single order was next phase? The company is now engaged in introducing a redesigned range. in the group context, it's as a centre of manufacturing excellence that PVV Tcan keep on punching above its weight和比自己规模强大的公司抗衡。
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